Lisa Edmunds

Head of Chambers & Senior Consultant Barrister at Unit Chambers
Lisa Edmunds

About Lisa

Lisa Edmunds is one of the North-West’s leading family law barristers and is CEO of the fastest growing family law set in the UK, Unit Chambers. She brings over two decades of experience and expertise in high-level and complex cases. Lisa has a reputation for being tough and tenacious in the courtroom however, recognises that all clients and cases are different and sometimes alternative approaches are needed to achieve the end result. Lisa is direct access qualified and also offers Early Neutral Evaluation appointments.

Her mission is simple – to get the best possible result for her client in the courtroom. Lisa travels around the country appearing at all levels of the Family Court. She undertakes work in all aspects of relationship breakdowns but specialises in cases relating to children and finances.

What makes her unique is that she has been through it herself; a messy divorce, involving 4 children, and she came out the other side – happy, healthy, and focused – so she knows what it takes!

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