Tag: inheritance

For legal professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of heir hunting, Blanchard's latest article offers a fascinating insight into this unique and often misunderstood niche.

Read about how they navigate ethical considerations, ensure transparency, and uphold privacy standards to connect people with their rightful inheritance.

Heir Hunters: Ethical Considerations And Best Practices

For legal professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of heir hunting, Blanchard’s latest article offers a fascinating insight into this unique and often misunderstood niche.

Read about how they navigate ethical considerations, ensure transparency, and uphold privacy standards to connect people with their rightful inheritance.

IHT incentives on charitable donations: How they can benefit your clients and their chosen charities

In today’s world, UK baby boomers are active and engaged in their communities, they are financially-savvy and, according to Saga’s Generation Experience report, around two thirds of them support charities. Taking care of their family is crucial and – just like most of us – they hope that any inheritance they pass on will be valued and used wisely. In this environment, offering advice on the inheritance tax (IHT) incentives on charitable donations included in their Will takes on even greater significance.

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