Tag: safe

Cyber-attacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated and it seems that law firms are increasingly becoming the most attractive prime target for cyber criminals.

Is Alpha Legal the *fastest* as well as the most secure way to collect and verify ID? Take 3 minutes to read this and decide for yourself

We’ve been analysing the time being taken by clients to complete their ID document requests within Alpha Legal. We’re regularly seeing start-to-finish times of 3 minutes now.  That’s literally 3 minutes for the user to Compare that to the physical process of visiting you in your office, bringing their paperwork in, having you photocopy or scan it and then you […]

Learn How to Protect Yourself from Ransomware with These Cybersecurity Essentials

From the attack on Hackney council to the Kaseya attack that demanded $70 Million USD, ransomware is posing more of a threat than ever. Especially thanks to COVID-19. For those who are unfamiliar, ransomware is a type of malware that is stealthily installed on an unsuspecting user’s P.C to extract money from their organisation. Before we go into how to […]

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