Tag: solicitors

Family lawyers aim to secure the best possible outcomes for clients in financial remedy proceedings. However, a crucial question often overlooked in client discussions is the impact of the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) on their finances.

Imposter syndrome: Why do I feel like a fraud at work?

Imposter syndrome can affect even the most high-achieving people – and there are even suggestions that it’s more likely when you experience success in your life. We spoke to highly esteemed coaching psychologist Dr Catherine Sykes, who frequently sees CEOs and partners at law firms with imposter syndrome.

Are you a procrastinator?

Procrastination is a familiar struggle for many, where delaying tasks often leads to increased stress. This article explores the two types of procrastination (active and passive) and looks into the psychological roots behind this behaviour.

The Advantages Of A Discretionary Mutual

David Gudopp, Head of Risk Transfer and Mitigation, discusses the unique benefits of discretionary mutuals for communities, associations and group companies, identifying how these mutuals offer cost savings, tax benefits, and flexible coverage options.

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