Tag: marketing

There are many elements to consider when marketing your law firm, and we understand that it can feel overwhelming trying to make sense of it all. So, here is a handy guide on what to do and what not to do

The importance of good reviews

Did you know that 63% of consumers check reviews before visiting a business?

Our latest TOMD article highlights the importance of Google reviews for businesses and offers practical steps to accumulate them. It covers setting up a Google Business Profile, routinely asking clients for reviews, and creating a simple guide to help clients leave feedback.

Lead magnets – what are they, and how can they help you?

This article discusses the importance of using lead magnets to build an email list for client communication. A lead magnet is a valuable resource offered for free, such as a guide or checklist, in exchange for a potential client’s contact details. This strategy helps attract new clients and ensures compliance with GDPR by requiring user consent.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising for Law Firms: Best Practices

In this article, Dan Hodges, Head of Account Management at Conscious Solutions, shares key digital marketing strategies for law firms, emphasising the importance of a well-designed website with SEO-optimised content as the foundation. He explains how PPC on platforms like Google and Facebook can drive immediate inquiries and offers tips for conducting a PPC audit, defining campaign goals, and performing keyword research.

Marketing Sensitive Practice Areas 

Chloe Wingate, Digital Marketing Specialist at TOMD, talks about effective marketing strategies for law firms handling sensitive practice areas like medical negligence or family law. Read this article to learn how to demonstrate empathy, expertise, and professionalism while connecting with clients on a personal level.

The (many) benefits of marketing campaigns

Explore the power of integrated marketing campaigns for legal firms. Discover how coordinated efforts across various channels boost brand trust, target specific segments, and measure impact efficiently. Unlock the potential to resonate with your audience emotionally while saving costs.

A history of legal marketing

A lot has changed since 1986, when the Law Society of England and Wales first allowed solicitors to advertise and promote their services. Nowadays, many marketing options are available to legal services providers and are widely used within the regulatory rules and guidelines designed to preserve the reputation and integrity of the profession. Mike Johnstone, […]

Law Firms Must Embrace Digital Age

A digital presence is essential for law firms, as 83% of B2B purchasing decisions are made before clients engage with a firm, and potential clients will form an opinion about a firm’s website within 0.05 seconds. A clear, easy-to-navigate website that showcases a firm’s values and expertise can attract new enquiries from the right type of clients. Thought leadership articles, social media posts, and emails can also build a firm’s authority and grow their business.

Practical SEO advice in the competitive legal environment

The legal market is a highly competitive environment. Everyone in our beloved sector can witness it and the heat is constantly dialling up. A recent LexisNexis business development survey indicated that competition for new clients is the greatest concern that solicitors have. One of the most, if not the fiercest, competitive battlefields is Google.

5 Reasons Law Firms Should Hire a Legal Marketing Consultant

In today’s highly competitive legal market, it’s crucial for law firms to have a strong marketing strategy in place to attract and retain clients. One way to achieve this is by hiring a legal marketing consultant. Here are five reasons why law firms should consider hiring a legal marketing consultant.

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