Law Firms Must Embrace Digital Age

Law Firms Must Embrace Digital Age

Law Firms Must Embrace Digital Age

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for businesses in all sectors to have a robust digital presence. However, law firms have been slow to adapt, with a recent survey showing that only 1 out of the top 100 law firms had excellent mobile website speed, while 66% had poor loading speed, hampering their visibility on Google. In addition, law firms must differentiate themselves from competitors, retain clients and talent, and increase referrals while managing a heavy workload.

A digital presence is essential for law firms, as 83% of B2B purchasing decisions are made before clients engage with a firm, and potential clients will form an opinion about a firm’s website within 0.05 seconds. A clear, easy-to-navigate website that showcases a firm’s values and expertise can attract new enquiries from the right type of clients. Thought leadership articles, social media posts, and emails can also build a firm’s authority and grow their business.

The adoption of a digital growth strategy has been challenging for law firms, with the lack of time, technical expertise, understanding, and budget cited as the most significant obstacles. Writing thought-leadership content is also time-consuming and often delayed due to various gatekeepers. While outsourcing offers a solution, posts with the most extensive reach/responses are often from the profile of individuals in a law firm team, who are also the fee earners.

To address these issues, Indie Ridge has formed a strategic partnership with Passle, a content marketing platform used by global law firms, to empower lawyers to create timely and authentic industry insights and publish them across multiple channels within minutes. In the first two months of using Passle, Forsters received over 5,000 more website visitors, Howard Kennedy had 3,500 shares on social media, and Colligan Law saw a 4,300% increase in LinkedIn traffic.

Indie Ridge also offers the integration of Passle with JamStack, the best-in-class website architecture used by companies such as Amazon, Nike, Sony, and Tesla. This combination provides lightning-fast web page speed and enables firms to showcase their leadership creatively and vividly without the limitations of traditional websites. Indie Ridge’s award-winning design team ensures the user experience of a firm’s website is clear, intuitive, and engaging, enhancing its effectiveness.

In conclusion, law firms must embrace the digital age and develop a strong online presence to compete effectively in today’s marketplace. Indie Ridge is a specialist digital agency that can help law firms actualize their digital marketing strategies and grow their business. A Digital Discovery Session can identify a firm’s website’s strengths and weaknesses and recommend necessary changes and benchmarks to evaluate its effectiveness.

If you would like to discover how Indie Ridge can help you. Schedule a no-obligation Digital Discovery Session to see how your law firm’s website stacks up against the competition, and we’ll recommend any necessary changes. We’ll also look at key performance indicators and benchmarks to help you evaluate your site’s effectiveness.

About the author
Chris Rodgers has been working in and around the legal industry for 22 years. He has worked both in-house at law firms and at third parties interacting with law firms. Having experienced both sides of the negotiation table gives him an edge not many other business development professionals have. Chris is an avid deal maker...