Tag: solicitor

Giulio Pezzulli, Chief Technical Officer at Voltaire Labs, provides an in-depth look at the common mistakes law firms make on their websites and offers practical solutions for improvement.

The (many) benefits of marketing campaigns

Explore the power of integrated marketing campaigns for legal firms. Discover how coordinated efforts across various channels boost brand trust, target specific segments, and measure impact efficiently. Unlock the potential to resonate with your audience emotionally while saving costs.

How Can Advances in Digital Learning Help UK Law Firms Meet Compliance Standards and Improve Overall Efficiencies in 2024?

It goes without saying that compliance training is crucial for UK law firms to uphold their legal obligations, mitigate risk, maintain reputation, foster ethical behaviour, protect clients, and achieve a competitive edge. In 2024, advances in digital learning will not only play a significant role in helping firms continue to meet compliance standards, but also, […]

A history of legal marketing

A lot has changed since 1986, when the Law Society of England and Wales first allowed solicitors to advertise and promote their services. Nowadays, many marketing options are available to legal services providers and are widely used within the regulatory rules and guidelines designed to preserve the reputation and integrity of the profession. Mike Johnstone, […]

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