Tag: solicitors

Part 30 of the Companies Act 2006 enables a shareholder in a company whose affairs are being conducted in a manner unfairly prejudicial to his interests as a shareholder to seek relief from the court.

Unlocking the Benefits of Low-Code Solutions for Legal Workflows

The legal industry has witnessed a significant transformation in recent years, with technology playing a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of law firms. One of the most revolutionary advancements in this space is the adoption of low-code solutions to develop legal workflows. By leveraging low-code platforms, law firms can streamline their processes, reduce operational costs, and ultimately deliver better services to their clients.

Why Law Firms Should Build a Technology Ecosystem

In today’s fast-paced legal and tech industries, your law firm’s technology stack is a lifeline that keeps your lawyers afloat through constant changes and upheaval. Creating an ideal tech ecosystem is essential for your firm’s growth, legal practice, and overall business needs.

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