New Legal Services & Legal Affairs TV Shows – TV Channel About To Launch

New Legal Services & Legal Affairs TV Shows – TV Channel About To Launch

New Legal Services & Legal Affairs TV Shows – TV Channel About To Launch

We’re Looking For Someone In Legal Services Industry To Make A Small Investment For Equity

We wish to bring onboard a legal type, your contacts and experience will be much appreciated. You can appear on camera or not as you wish, you may bring stories to our attention ? Or have insight and opinions that could help. Only a small amount of time is needed, can be remote, an hour a week could be all it takes. Who wants to be the next Judge Rinder ? Or maybe you are better ? We ask for investment as the founders have, so why should you be any different and if you have skin in the game, in theory you will do a better job !

Barry D. Ryan well known TV Director / Executive Producer, with 40 + years experience within the UK television industry and owner / MD of production company Free At Last TV, with shows on Sky and other streamers regularly, is set to shake up the industry with an innovative cutting edge new spin off TV company. This is not an evolution in television, this is a full on revolution.

The initial core production, a new Sunday magazine hour long type show, broadcast high end TV quality but streamed by internet TV platforms to both a UK and Global audience of millions. With a unique simultaneous release of major foreign language versions. A weekly 15 minute slot will feature many often overlooked or dare we say it covered up legal issues, and social issues with legal, law or crime related implications. Mini but in depth investigative documentaries will flag up and highlight the sadly growing area of injustice. NEVER again will it take decades for the likes of “skint little people,” like Mr Bates in the Post Office / Fujitsu scandal, to get the publicity they so obviously needed.

A unique feature will be ready made tie ins with the legal services that these victims will need to obtain justice and often compensation. Our publicity machine across multi media not just television will flush out victims and direct them to legal teams already briefed, and on standby, no matter how harrowing a story these poor victims will have. Legal experts with the knowledge and clout to make things happen. The right people in contact with the victims from day one, it could be you or your company dealing with these victims. Contact us now if you want these leads.

The rest of the Sunday magazine show will feature arts, film, culture, travel, health, food / drink, fashion and kids slots, to counter the darker legal affairs slot, kind of an iron fist hidden within a velvet glove. Other members of the crew have been BBC Panorama producers, The Cook Report researchers and various investigative journalists from around the World, all experts. No subject will be off limits, we have a number of huge cover ups already fully investigated, with thousands of victims lurking out there, sadly the tactic used in the Post Office scandal where the victim is led to believe they are the only victim, is a common ploy, but we are having none of it ! The truth WILL out. Come join us ! Check out

About the author
Barry D. Ryan well known TV Director / Executive Producer, with 40 + years experience within the UK television industry and owner / MD of production company Free At Last TV, with shows on Sky and other streamers regularly, is set to shake up the industry with an innovative cutting edge new spin off TV...