Catch-up on-demand free webinar for family law professionals: Understanding alcohol testing in child protection cases

Catch-up on-demand free webinar for family law professionals: Understanding alcohol testing in child protection cases

Catch-up on-demand free webinar for family law professionals: Understanding alcohol testing in child protection cases

As a family law professional, you know how critical accurate alcohol testing is in child protection cases. However, with a demanding caseload, finding time to stay up-to-date on the latest testing methods and best practices can be difficult.

To make things easier, Cansford has released a free, on-demand webinar titled “Pints to Particles,” designed to help you enhance your knowledge of alcohol testing at your convenience. It is part of a series of webinars we’ve produced for family law professionals.

Cansford Labs Free Webinar

This webinar covers essential topics which are particularly relevant for child protection cases, including:

Key testing methods and markers: We explore the range of available alcohol monitoring tests, including hair and blood tests, and explain how they work. You’ll learn about specific markers such as phosphatidylethanol (PEth), carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT), and liver function tests (LFTs), and understand how each can provide insight into alcohol use patterns.

Real-life case studies: We delve into real-world examples, showcasing how alcohol testing has been used in child protection cases. These case studies demonstrate the value of selecting the right test based on the specifics of each case, offering practical lessons that can be applied to your own work.

Best practices for test selection: Choosing the correct alcohol test is crucial in ensuring accurate results. We guide you through the decision-making process, helping you understand when to use hair testing versus blood testing, and how long-term versus short-term alcohol consumption can be monitored.

Simplification: The webinar simplifies the science behind testing, helping you navigate through technical jargon and complex processes. Terms like CDTs, LFTs, and phospholipids are explained in a straightforward manner, making it easier for you to grasp how these tests can support your cases.

On-demand and free: You can download and watch the webinar at any time that suits you. If you have questions about specific tests, methods, or scientific concepts, our team is available to assist – no need to triage a call. Whether you’re looking to clarify details or need guidance on instructing alcohol testing for your cases, we’re here to advise.

Please contact us by email at or by phone on 029 2054 0567 if you need further assistance or would like to instruct us on a case.

You can download and watch the webinar here.

About the author
Jayne Hazon is an experienced Reporting Scientist, currently working at Cansford Laboratories. Jayne began her career in the field of Analytical Toxicology at TrichoTech in 2009 and has actively worked in drug testing laboratories, as well as providing the interpretation of results in expert witness reports and also giving evidence in court. Jayne contributed to...