The Changing Landscape of Family Law for England and Wales in 2022

The Changing Landscape of Family Law for England and Wales in 2022

The Changing Landscape of Family Law for England and Wales in 2022

Family law webinar:

Family law in England and Wales is changing rapidly. This webinar will dig into some of the key upcoming changes for 2022, specifically looking at the Family Law Language Project, no-fault divorce, and the shift towards non-court dispute resolution.

CPD certificates available upon request

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the implications of the no-fault divorce law on court and non-court dispute resolution as well as individual practice.
  • Articulate the reasons for updating standard language in family law cases, how language is changing, and what organisations can do to adapt and collaborate.
  • Describe how non-court dispute resolution is integral to both changes in language and the shift to no-fault divorce.

About OurFamilyWizard

Working alongside clients on OurFamilyWizard, family law and mental health practitioners can assist families to move beyond conflict and co-parent with confidence. OurFamilyWizard’s web and mobile applications offer parents living separately an array of tools to easily track parenting time, share important family information, manage expenses, and create an accurate, clear log of co-parenting communication.

About the author
James is a professional liaison for OurFamilyWizard. His role includes educating judges, barristers, solicitors, mediators and other family law professionals on the online tools that can be used to benefit and monitor parental communication in high conflict cases. James travels the United Kingdom attending family law conferences, workshops and seminars each year. He spent 4...