Is Alpha Legal the *fastest* as well as the most secure way to collect and verify ID? Take 3 minutes to read this and decide for yourself

Is Alpha Legal the *fastest* as well as the most secure way to collect and verify ID? Take 3 minutes to read this and decide for yourself

Is Alpha Legal the *fastest* as well as the most secure way to collect and verify ID? Take 3 minutes to read this and decide for yourself

We’ve been analysing the time being taken by clients to complete their ID document requests within Alpha Legal.

We’re regularly seeing start-to-finish times of 3 minutes now.  That’s literally 3 minutes for the user to

  1. receive their secure message and security code by text
  2. review the 60-second YouTube video to explain the process and the documents they will need, and then
  3. take & upload the photos of their ID documents.

Compare that to the physical process of visiting you in your office, bringing their paperwork in, having you photocopy or scan it and then you having to verify it with an ID agency!
We regularly compare Alpha Legal with the other ID apps on the market and we wonder whether we can claim that Alpha Legal is the fastest as well as the most secure option there is.  
Do you think we could make the process even quicker?  We’d love to hear from you.

About the author
Alpha Legal and Start Software were founded by Robin Bennett MA (Oxon) FIAP MIoD, the creator of the UK's first successful will writing software, Will Writer for Windows. Robin was a founding director of Legacy Partners Ltd, a successful national will writing and estate planning business. At Legacy Partners, he introduced new technology into the...