Ask this simple question to help your clients agree to pay higher fees

Ask this simple question to help your clients agree to pay higher fees

Ask this simple question to help your clients agree to pay higher fees

Have you noticed in recent months, with the worsening economic crisis, that more of your new enquiries are sensitive about fees, or resistant to paying to get the help they need?

If so, there’s a simple way to neutralise their resistance and have them appreciate the value of getting your help – so they say ‘yes’ to working with you at the fees you want to charge.

It doesn’t involve bragging about your own value, or trying to convince them “I’m worth it!”.

It doesn’t require you to give prospective clients a lecture about what’s good for them and why they ‘need’ your help.

Instead, it’s about asking the right question, at the right time.

So what’s the right question?

It partly depends on the prospective client you’re talking to – every situation is different, and that affects the question you need to ask. But the key is to ask a question which helps your prospective client see the value of your services for themselves, so that you don’t need to tell them.

One example of a question that can demonstrate value is one that starts with the two simple words “what if…?”

For example, “what if you don’t resolve this issue in the next 3 months?” or “what if there is a successful claim against you for this?” or “what if your money doesn’t go to your beneficiaries and dependants in the proportions you intend?”

I recommend you ask a “what if” question like this in your next consultation or call with a prospective client and see how it helps you shine a light on the value (for your client) of getting your help.

And If you want my formula for working out what question to ask in ANY situation to ‘neutralise price resistance’ by showing clients the value of your services, then come to my online workshop ‘Profitable Practice Growth Secrets for Small Law Firms

At this workshop I’ll give you the same question formula that enabled Jay Sahota (Managing Partner of Jarmans Solicitors) to double his conversion rate of new enquiries into high-paying clients. Doubling your existing conversion rate would mean you could double your existing monthly fee income without needing to generate any more enquiries. And, like Jay, you can learn to use the complete formula by attending this workshop.

We have two remaining dates for this online workshop in 2022 which are 2 November (single day, limited tickets remaining) and 30 November-1 December (two consecutive mornings). Check Availability Now

About the author
Michelle Peters (The Business Instructor) is a former practising solicitor and the creator of the Profitable Practice Programme for sole practitioners and small firm owners who want more clients and to increase their profits without working more hours. In addition to working privately with lawyer clients, Michelle frequently runs webinars and workshops to help lawyers...