Why law firms should put hiring a PR agency at the top of their to-do list in 2024

Why law firms should put hiring a PR agency at the top of their to-do list in 2024

Why law firms should put hiring a PR agency at the top of their to-do list in 2024

The legal profession is more competitive than ever before – with constant pressure for law firms to stand out from the crowd and on top of their game.

Thousands of lawyers are competing for the same work in a crowded market where clients have unlimited access to hundreds of firms at the click of mouse.

In this environment, reputation is critical to success. And public relations is key to shaping the profile of a legal firm – a vital way to increase your media profile, enhance your authority and ultimately grow the volume and quality of work in your firm.

As the new year fast approaches, here are the top five benefits of hiring a PR agency to enhance your law firm:

  1. Reach your target clients

Media coverage can massively boost your exposure, making your firm the first one on clients’ minds when they need legal support.

This year Satsuma, a full creative and PR agency, secured amazing coverage for their client Will Aid, the annual will-writing scheme, in the Radio Times, BBC Morning Live, Martin Lewis Money Show Live, The Sun, Mirror, Guardian, Saga Magie, and Chat magazine, to name a few.

The impact? Thousands of clients made appointments with participating solicitors’ firms, and such was the demand that the Will Aid website crashed after a plug by MoneySaving Expert Matin Lewis.

  • Build credibility and authority

When your senior team deliver high-quality insightful content, they increase their standing as respected thought-leaders both within legal circles and in wider society.

Insightful articles in trade press and thought-leadership features showcase your accomplishments and highlight the expertise of your team, building respect and trust among peers, existing and potential clients.

  • Counter negative press

Legal teams can face negative press for a variety of reasons – if you work in a controversial sector, you publicly lose a case or if a partner suddenly leaves.

It’s crucial to deal with these situations in the appropriate way, to avoid misunderstandings and damage to your firm’s reputation.

That’s where PR experts who are experienced in crisis communications can help you to navigate the situation, so you come through it retaining – and even building on – the trust and good standing of your firm.

  • Improve networking and recruitment

PR isn’t just about traditional media – it includes raising your reputation and opportunities in the digital world too. A strategy for using social media platforms like LinkedIn can provide massive benefits when it comes to networking both within and outside of the profession.

And bear in mind, the best job candidates will be keeping a keen eye on your social media presence too, so investing in your presence can reap rewards in more than one way when growing your business.

  • Boost team morale

Shining a light on good news and celebrating your team’s work is an essential part of making your people feel valued.

Internal communications, e-newsletters and social posts can all be used to spread the word about successes and achievements.

After all, employees who feel valued and recognised are more motivated, empowered and efficient – so it’s a win-win for everyone.

About the author
Ellen Widdup is managing director of Satsuma Group, a full service creative agency specialising in PR for the legal sector. A former national newspaper journalist with expertise in content strategy, she has won numerous awards for her work and her clients.