Marketing your law firm – the Dos and Don’ts

Marketing your law firm – the Dos and Don’ts

Marketing your law firm – the Dos and Don’ts

There are many elements to consider when marketing your law firm, and we understand that it can feel overwhelming trying to make sense of it all. So, here is a handy guide on what to do and what not to do.

One size doesn’t fit all

You can’t please everyone. So, if you try to appeal to the masses, you may lose business from someone who is looking for a law firm who can meet their specific needs. Think about what makes your firm unique and embrace it. Build that into your marketing strategy and branding, and you might notice that you begin to stand out from the rest.

Who is your target audience?

If you’re wondering where to start when it comes to marketing your services, think about who your clients are. For example, if you are specialists in later life planning, there is no point putting together an Instagram campaign as many of your ideal clients will not be using that platform.

Don’t ask, don’t get

Despite all the advances in technology and digital marketing, word of mouth is still a vital way of gaining new business. But people often require a nudge to spread the word. So, don’t be afraid to make a polite request – whether it is for Google reviews from a client or referrals from another law firm. Someone you already work with could connect you with your next significant client, you just have to ask!

Keep it up

Don’t send mixed signals; consistency is key. This applies to so many areas of marketing; post regular content, keep up a social media presence, and stick to your brand. If this feels overwhelming, choose just one area to start focussing on and give yourself time to find your feet with it. Once you have found a schedule that works, you might be ready to turn you attention to a new aspect of marketing. 

Quality, not quantity

Don’t spread yourself too thin. In order to achieve the all-important consistency, you might need to cut back on a few of the plates you are spinning. After all, bad marketing is arguably worse than no marketing at all.

Data doesn’t lie

What’s the use of doing a campaign if you don’t know how successful it was? Keep track of what’s working by using the data that is available to you. Check your social media engagements, Google analytics and the number of people who have read your latest e-newsletter. This data can help you make an informed decision when planning future campaigns.

Don’t get stuck in a rut

Using this data, regularly review if what you’re doing is still effective, or if it needs a refresh. Otherwise, years could go by without you questioning if your marketing techniques are still relevant to your business.

Don’t wing it

Most importantly, you need a strategy. If you’re struggling to know how to begin, TOMD can help – we have been advising law firms on their marketing for over 20 years. To have a initial chat with us, just get in touch on or call us on 01279 657 555.

About the author
Chloe Wingate is a legal copywriter and digital marketing specialist at The Outsourced Marketing Department (TOMD), a marketing agency specialising in practical marketing, content and client communication solutions for professional services firms. Chloe helps law firms to communicate complex legal concepts in a way their clients can understand, in a wide range of content formats...