Do you need a blog?

Do you need a blog?

Do you need a blog?

Does you write a regular blog? If not, you’re missing a trick as blogging can increase your leads by 67%.  Better still, it can do all this outside of your office hours, since the content is accessible 24/7. Read on to find out why blogs are an essential marketing tool, and how you can keep yours engaging.

What should I write about?

Thinking about your firm’s specialist services is a good place to start when deciding what to blog about. If there is some new legislation coming into force that will affect your clients, you could write about what this means for them. Or, there might be a specific court case that has made the news which you could offer insight on. Also, blogs are a great chance to share what goes on behind the scenes at your firm – you could launch an interview series with staff, or share updates about events that you have attended. Don’t forget to include a call to action at the bottom of the post, inviting readers to get in touch for legal support. But remember, this is meant to be informative and educational so don’t over do the promotion.

But what’s the point of doing all this?

Show your expertise

A blog is an opportunity to showcase your firm’s specialist knowledge to potential and existing clients. It is proof that you have your finger on the pulse, as you are indicating that you are up to date with the latest industry news. It emphasises that you are a knowledgeable firm that clients can trust to meet all their legal needs.  

Increasing your SEO rankings

Regularly updating your website helps to boost your ranking in search engines, and blogs are a perfect way to generate new content. Plus, if you are writing about topics that people are frequently searching, including the relevant keywords in your blog will boost your SEO rankings.

It all goes back to your website

Posting a blog creates more marketing opportunities, as you have something else to tell your clients and followers about. You should share your latest article on social media and email newsletters, with a link to your website. This gives clients and prospects more reason to visit your website, where they can find full information about your services.

Blog regularly

It’s important to make sure you write blogs on a regular basis. If the date on your most recent article is from last year, the lack of activity may deter potential clients. So, create a schedule that feels realistic – you don’t have to post every week, but you do need to show that you are an active law firm. Rather than one person taking responsibility for it all, why not invite team members to write guest blogs to spread the workload around?

We are here to help

For decades, TOMD has worked with solicitors, barristers and legal professionals to develop effective marketing strategies and promote business growth. We can help you create engaging blog posts that tackle difficult legal topics, using language your audience can understand and relate to. Just get in touch for a friendly chat on

About the author
Chloe Wingate is a legal copywriter and digital marketing specialist at The Outsourced Marketing Department (TOMD), a marketing agency specialising in practical marketing, content and client communication solutions for professional services firms. Chloe helps law firms to communicate complex legal concepts in a way their clients can understand, in a wide range of content formats...