Kickstart Profitable Growth for Your Law Firm in 90 Days

Kickstart Profitable Growth for Your Law Firm in 90 Days

Kickstart Profitable Growth for Your Law Firm in 90 Days

Are you wondering whether it will still be possible to grow your law firm’s fee income and profits in the coming months?

Are you concerned about rising costs in your firm (including demands for salary increases) which could reduce your profits?

Or worried that clients will have less money available to pay for your services which could cause a drop in your fee income?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

We’ve already helped hundreds of lawyers to continue growing their firm’s fee income and profits throughout various economic downturns, including the pandemic and more recently during the energy and cost of living crises.

And from that, I can tell you that it absolutely *is* possible to continue growing your practice even if the economy is heading downwards.

It’s absolutely possible…BUT you must focus on the right growth strategies for your firm and have the right skills and systems in place to implement those strategies quickly.

In particular it’s critical to take quick action to adapt the way you:

  1. Attract enquiries from your ideal clients – to make sure you have a consistent and predictable pipeline of high-value enquiries
  2. Convert enquiries into paying clients – to make sure you can continue to onboard clients at profitable fee levels
  3. Maximise the two most important assets in your law firm: your client base and your time (including the time of your fee-earners) – so you can continue to deliver your legal services in a profitable way.

When facing difficult economic times you also need some ‘quick wins’ to boost your fee income and cashflow and give you a resilient ‘safety net’ to see you through the difficult months ahead.

To make sure your firm is both protected and thriving in the coming months, we delivered Module 1 of ‘Profitable Practice Kickstart For Small Law Firms’ on 6th December, However, don’t worry, as the recording is still available until Monday 12th December 5pm.

This training session will show you the immediate steps, strategies, and systems to put in place to continue to grow profitably during 2023. Plus, we’ll also discuss which ‘quick win’ strategies will work best for your firm to give you a boost of additional fee income and profit to create (or enhance) your financial safety net in the next 90 days.

You can find out more, and register to get instant access to the webinar until Monday 12th December 5pm, here:

About the author
Michelle Peters (The Business Instructor) is a former practising solicitor and the creator of the Profitable Practice Programme for sole practitioners and small firm owners who want more clients and to increase their profits without working more hours. In addition to working privately with lawyer clients, Michelle frequently runs webinars and workshops to help lawyers...