5 Ways to Leverage Low-Code Platforms for Efficiency and Productivity within Law Firms

5 Ways to Leverage Low-Code Platforms for Efficiency and Productivity within Law Firms

5 Ways to Leverage Low-Code Platforms for Efficiency and Productivity within Law Firms

In the ever-evolving landscape of legal practice, efficiency and agility have become paramount.

Law firms are increasingly turning to innovative solutions to streamline their operations and deliver enhanced services to clients. One such revolutionary tool is low-code platforms, offering a versatile and user-friendly approach to application development. In fact, Gartner predicts that low-code application development will account for more than 65% of application development activity across all sizes of companies before 2024. 

Low-code solutions enable non-technical users to create applications quickly by leveraging visual design tools and a drag-and-drop interface. With these features, lawyers can easily create workflows by mapping out a flowchart, rather than writing line after line of code. Depending on the need, there are a variety of ways you can leverage low-code platforms to create custom workflows and solve a number of operational challenges. Here, we look at some of the most common use cases for low-code platforms within law firms. 

1. Client Onboarding

Client onboarding is a critical process for law firms, often involving a myriad of paperwork, data collection, and communication. Low-code platforms simplify and expedite this process by enabling firms to create custom onboarding applications without extensive coding. These applications can automate the collection of client information via a web interface, facilitate electronic document signing, and integrate with existing databases to ensure a seamless onboarding experience. By reducing manual tasks, law firms can enhance the client experience and accelerate the onboarding timeline.

2. Document Automation & Template Management 

The legal profession is synonymous with copious amounts of documentation. Drafting, reviewing, and managing legal documents can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Low-code platforms empower law firms to automate document creation and template management without the need for any technical expertise. By using intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, like Sysero’s Visual Designer, legal professionals can design templates for contracts, agreements, and other legal documents. These templates can then be dynamically populated with client-specific data, minimising errors, and significantly reducing the time spent on routine document generation. This not only enhances accuracy but also frees up valuable time for attorneys to focus on more complex legal matters.

3. Compliance Monitoring

Staying compliant with ever-changing regulations is a constant challenge for law firms. Low-code platforms provide a flexible solution for building applications that monitor and manage compliance. Firms can create custom applications to track regulatory changes, manage compliance checklists, and automate internal auditing processes. By centralising compliance monitoring through low-code applications, law firms can proactively address potential issues, reduce the risk of non-compliance, and demonstrate a commitment to legal and ethical standards.

4. Workflow Optimization

Beyond the specific use cases mentioned, low-code platforms allow law firms to optimise various workflows across their operations. Whether it’s case management, time tracking, or collaboration, low-code applications can be tailored to suit the unique needs of a law firm. This adaptability enables firms to respond rapidly to changing requirements, improving overall operational efficiency.

Take for example, how Spoor & Fisher Jersey leveraged Sysero’s low-code platform to create a new Sysero Trademark Enquiry Handling Workflow to help the firm’s trademark formalities team manage and respond to trademark enquiries. With the new low-code workflow, all of the firm’s case information is easily accessible from a single platform, helping its trademark formalities team realise significant productivity gains. Additionally, the flexibility of the low-code platform enabled the firm to easily customise the workflow to suit its needs, as well as successfully manage edge cases. 

5. Data Security 

Data security is a key concern for today’s law firms, and low-code platforms can play a crucial role in keeping law firm data safe and compliant. Low-code platforms provide a structured and controlled environment for application development, and often come equipped with built-in security features, such as encryption, secure authentication, and pseudonymisation, ensuring that sensitive  legal information is safeguarded throughout the application lifecycle. 

The ability to create custom applications with security best practices embedded directly into the development process empowers legal professionals to proactively address potential vulnerabilities. By offering a centralised and standardised approach to application security, low-code platforms contribute significantly to the overall data protection strategy of law firms, allowing them to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and trust.

Unlocking the Power of Low-Code Platforms within your Firm

In an era where technology is reshaping the legal landscape, low-code platforms have emerged as a game-changer for law firms. By leveraging these platforms, legal professionals can transform their processes, enhancing efficiency, reducing manual errors, and ultimately delivering higher-quality services to clients. As the legal industry continues to embrace innovation, the adoption of low-code platforms is poised to become a defining factor in the success and competitiveness of law firms.

However, not all low-code platforms are created equal. At Sysero, we’ve worked with leading law firms around the world to develop customised low-code solutions to drive efficiency and innovation. With an intuitive visual designer, integrated web forms, built-in compliance, and embedded data security, Sysero’s low-code platform offers law firms the optimal solution for workflow optimisation. To learn more or book a demo, please visit sysero.com

About the author
Phil Ayton is Co-Founder and Director at Sysero. He has been working in Workflow, Automation & Knowledge Management for 30 years. Phil is also the Design Authority for the Sysero workflow product and works primarily with Professional Service Firms.