Why Solicitors Keep Returning To Support The Will Aid Campaign Year After Year

Why Solicitors Keep Returning To Support The Will Aid Campaign Year After Year

Why Solicitors Keep Returning To Support The Will Aid Campaign Year After Year

As a unique partnership between the legal profession and UK charities, the annual Will Aid campaign sees hundreds of solicitors across the UK take part each year – but why do so many firms sign up again and again?

The answer? This much-loved initiative, which has raised over £24m since 1988 for some of the country’s best loved charities, not only supports their life-changing work with some of the most vulnerable people in the UK and abroad, it also provides numerous business benefits to the firms involved.

Here’s some of the key reasons why solicitors continue to support Will Aid year after year:

1. Flexibility

One of the most appealing aspects of Will Aid is its flexibility.

The campaign is simple – by waiving their fees for writing basic Wills, participating solicitors invite clients to make a voluntary upfront donation to Will Aid instead, suggesting £100 for a single Will and £180 for a pair of mirror Wills.

Solicitors can choose how many Wills they wish to write, whether it’s a substantial number or just a few. Every contribution counts.

Trusha Velji, from Touch Solicitors, who raised a staggering £42,000 in 2023 and were the top-performing firm, said: “Any number of Wills you’re able to write is worth celebrating.

“After all, there are so many people who don’t have a Will, and with every client you help and every donation you raise, you’re making a real difference.”

This flexibility ensures firms of all sizes can participate and contribute without feeling overwhelmed.

2. Long-term business growth

Will Aid isn’t just about writing Wills; it’s an opportunity to establish long-term relationships with new clients.

Many clients who create their Will through Will Aid return to the same firm for other legal services in the future.

This allows firms to grow their client base and increase business.

“Once you’ve offered a great service, your new clients will often recommend you to their family and friends,” said Trusha. “And, of course, there are lots of opportunities to cross-sell other areas of law to the clients you see under Will Aid.”

3. Remote List option

The Remote List option has significantly expanded the reach of participating firms.

By signing up to the Remote List, solicitors can receive enquiries from people across the UK that don’t have a Will Aid firm near them, expanding a firm’s reach across the country.

This nationwide reach is especially beneficial for smaller firms looking to grow their client base.

4. Supportive Will Aid team

The Will Aid team is dedicated to making participation as smooth and hassle-free as possible for solicitors.

They provide a secure online dashboard to manage Will Aid clients and offer continuous support throughout the campaign, allowing solicitors to focus on helping clients without lots of extra admin.

Trusha said: “The Will Aid team made things so easy for us. They are incredible to work with and very proactive in the background – you never feel alone.”

5. Additional service opportunities

Will Aid just covers a basic will and many people will need additional services, such as LPAs, trusts or more complex inheritance tax advice, which you can of course charge for.

This not only provides clients with comprehensive legal support but also allows firms to generate additional revenue in the short-term.

6. Corporate responsibility

Participating in Will Aid helps solicitors to meet their corporate social responsibilities by supporting several UK charities.

It also raises the firm’s profile in the local community. As Trusha highlights: “Will Aid offers huge benefits to us as solicitors. It supports so many wonderful charities, it’s an opportunity to give back, a great way to meet your corporate responsibilities, and generates new business for your firm.”

Will Aid is a win-win initiative for solicitors. For more information on how to join, visit the Will Aid website at www.willaid.org.uk/register or call 0300 0300 013.

About the author
Peter de Vena Franks joined Will Aid in 2015 and has led the campaign since then. It was in his prior role at ActionAid, one of Will Aid’s partner charities, that he saw the fantastic efforts Will Aid made in raising vital funds for charity. One of the most inspiring things about Will Aid for...