The 5 business benefits of will-writing for charity

The 5 business benefits of will-writing for charity

The 5 business benefits of will-writing for charity

A recent poll, commissioned by Will Aid, revealed that 75% in Northern Ireland, 67% in the North West and 62% in the West Midlands, do not have a Will.

Of those surveyed, many stated that a lack of time or assets meant they hadn’t made a Will and others were reluctant to talk about death. Whilst over 30% of those surveyed in London said they had a Will but it was out of date and needed rewritten.

Through Will Aid, solicitors can partner with nine of the UK’s best-loved charities and waive their fee for writing a basic Will. Instead, they invite clients to make a voluntary donation to Will Aid – a suggested £100 for a single basic Will and £180 for a pair of basic ‘mirror’ Wills.

The Will Aid campaign is now live and receiving enquiries from across the UK, but needs more firms to sign up and help meet this demand. Taking part not only helps raise vital donations for nine of the UK’s best-loved charities, but also brings huge benefits to participating firms. The scheme has helped many firms to attract new clients and expand their firm’s brand and profile.

  1. Extra billing hours
    Whilst Will Aid month is November, every Will Aid client is able to engage a solicitor for additional work which can be charged over and above the cost of a basic Will. Many Will Aid clients build a relationship with their solicitor and return to the firm for other legal work or recommend them to family and friends.
  2. Charitable giving
    In addition to the financial benefits, Will Aid participants are supporting the nine partner charities who benefit from the campaign, including ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF and Trocaire.
  3. Employee wellbeing
    Whether you’re a new firm or a long-established business, taking part in Will Aid boosts staff morale and gives your colleagues a common goal to work towards, knowing their efforts are making a real difference for the will recipients and some of the most vulnerable people both here in the UK and around the world. Taking part in Will Aid is a simple and easy way to provide a valuable local service – helping people who don’t have Wills to finally put their affairs in order.
  4. Diary management
    When you take part in Will Aid, you can control the number of clients that you take on. When you have taken as many Will Aid instructions as you are comfortable, simply let the Will Aid team know and they will take you off the list.
    You can also choose to be on the Remote List and reach clients all over the country. Listing your firm on the Remote List gives prospective Will makers the chance to find and contact you, no matter where in the UK you’re based, so you can grow your client base even further.
  5. Brand awareness
    Will Aid has a secure online dashboard to help you keep track of where you are with each of your enquiries, as well as PR materials to help you promote your involvement with Will Aid, to raise the profile of your firm.

To take part in Will Aid, follow these simple steps: Call the Will Aid team on 0300 0300 013 or visit

About the author
Peter de Vena Franks joined Will Aid in 2015 and has led the campaign since then. It was in his prior role at ActionAid, one of Will Aid’s partner charities, that he saw the fantastic efforts Will Aid made in raising vital funds for charity. One of the most inspiring things about Will Aid for...