Unlocking the Benefits of Low-Code Solutions for Legal Workflows

Unlocking the Benefits of Low-Code Solutions for Legal Workflows

Unlocking the Benefits of Low-Code Solutions for Legal Workflows

The legal industry has witnessed a significant transformation in recent years, with technology playing a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of law firms. One of the most revolutionary advancements in this space is the adoption of low-code solutions to develop legal workflows. By leveraging low-code platforms, law firms can streamline their processes, reduce operational costs, and ultimately deliver better services to their clients. 

Using Low-Code Solutions for Legal Operations

Low-code platforms are software development tools designed to facilitate the creation of applications and workflows with minimal hand-coding. These platforms employ visual interfaces, pre-built components, and drag-and-drop functionalities, enabling non-technical users to build applications and automate processes without extensive coding knowledge.

In the world of legal, these tools put the power of workflow automation directly into the hands of users. Staff and lawyers alike can quickly create automated processes, such as custom client intake forms, document creation and review, or template management – all without any knowledge of coding. 

Unlocking the Key Benefits of Low-Code Solutions

Low-code solutions offer an array of benefits for law firms and legal professionals – from enhanced efficiency to increased scalability. 

  • Efficiency and Speed: One of the primary advantages of low-code solutions is their ability to expedite the development of legal workflows. Traditional software development can be time-consuming and costly. With low-code, lawyers and staff can quickly design, test, and deploy custom workflows, reducing the time it takes to bring new processes into action. Take for example, how leading UK law firm Mills & Reeves is leveraging low-code tools to develop automated processes for building and maintaining its iManage Cloud templates. 
  • Cost Reduction: Building applications from scratch or hiring developers can be expensive. Low-code platforms significantly cut down on development costs by empowering in-house staff to create applications and workflows themselves. This eliminates the need for extensive external resources, leading to considerable cost savings.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Every law firm has unique requirements and processes. Low-code platforms allow firms to tailor workflows precisely to their needs, ensuring that each aspect of their practice operates optimally. By combining no-code and manual coding, low-code platforms like Sysero enable developers to add logic using standardised languages – such as SQL, Javascript, and PowerShell – to ensure that applications work in the exact way required. For example, Spoor & Fisher Jersey teamed up with Sysero to build its Sysero Trademark Enquiry Handling Workflow. As a low-code solution, the firm’s internal Database Administrator was able to develop a SQL code that enables the workflow to pull information from across 12 areas of the firm’s IP system to merge into status update email templates. 
  • Scalability: As law firms grow and evolve, so do their requirements. Low-code platforms are highly scalable, allowing firms to adapt and expand their workflows as needed. Whether handling an increased caseload or entering new practice areas, low-code solutions can flexibly accommodate change.
  • Enhanced Client Service: Ultimately, the goal of adopting low-code solutions is to provide better service to clients. With streamlined workflows, law firms can reduce errors, ensure compliance, and respond to client needs more swiftly. 

Evolving Legal Workflows with Low-Code Technology

Low-code solutions have emerged as a game-changer in the legal industry, offering law firms the means to enhance their operational efficiency and, by extension, the quality of their client services. By simplifying application development, reducing costs, and promoting innovation within the firm, low-code platforms empower legal professionals to adapt to the ever-evolving legal landscape and deliver superior outcomes for their clients. As the legal industry continues to evolve, embracing low-code solutions is a forward-thinking strategy that will position law firms for success in the digital age.

At Sysero, we’ve worked with leading global law firms to design and develop low-code workflow solutions to suit their unique requirements. To learn more about unlocking the benefits of low-code solutions for your firm, get in touch with our team.

About the author
Phil Ayton is Co-Founder and Director at Sysero. He has been working in Workflow, Automation & Knowledge Management for 30 years. Phil is also the Design Authority for the Sysero workflow product and works primarily with Professional Service Firms.